Rotation: what is it and is it really necessary? The essence and features of personnel rotation as a way to improve management efficiency. Personnel rotation in a medical organization.

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Types of personnel rotation

Like any concept, rotation presupposes a whole system of species. There are two main types: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical rotation is a simple promotion within the same type of activity, in the process of which a vacancy is created in a vacant position and the need arises to fill it with another employee.

Much more rare are horizontal rotations - when a person moves from one department to another, consciously changing the direction of his activities.

The classification is also based on the following characteristics:

P Based on the frequency (speed) of movements, one can distinguish annual (when time is calculated in years), monthly, daily, hourly rotations, etc. Thus, in Japanese automobile enterprises, workers are transferred from one operation to another within a site not only at intervals calculated in years or months, but also daily, and in some cases even hourly.

P Depending on the trajectory of movement, rotation is divided into: 1) circular, when an employee, having completed a number of positions over a certain period of time, returns to his position; 2) irrevocable, when the movement occurs without returning to one’s “starting” position; 3) castling, in which two workers of the same level change places. This type of rotation is actively used by Japanese companies. Thus, in the Sony and Honda corporations, it is considered normal for the head of the sales department to change positions with a supply colleague.

P According to the level of specialization, rotations are distinguished: in another specialty; in a related specialty; with a change in the nature of the work, but in the same specialty; rotation, when the nature of the work does not change much.

P Depending on who is the initiator, rotations can be carried out: at the initiative of the organization’s administration; at the initiative of the employee; at the initiative of the HR department. In Russian budgetary organizations, top and middle managers in the overwhelming majority of cases move according to the first type. On their own initiative, due to dissatisfaction with their work, in a large number of cases, specialists (workers) move.

P According to the object of movement, rotations affect managers and specialists (workers).

P Based on the scale of movement, rotations are divided into: 1) internal - within one enterprise or its division; 2) external - between branches and divisions of an organization located in the same region; 3) interregional - moving with a change of residence to another region to a branch or structural unit of the organization. They are used by large corporations with branches in different parts of the country; 4) international - used by transnational companies when workers move to other states.

P Depending on whether training is applied or not, rotation can be with or without training.

P Depending on the specifics of the career space, there are real and virtual rotations. The first is possible in an ordinary, real-life organization. The second is a new type of rotation and arose as a result of the development of scientific and technological progress.

P Based on time orientation, rotation can be planned or actual. Planned rotation is one that will be carried out in the future on the basis of specially drawn up schemes. Actual - the result of the implementation of rotation plans.

P According to the purposes of rotation, they are divided into movements for: training of management personnel; changes in people’s circumstances (when a person has held a position for a long time and wants to gain new knowledge and skills in a different place); preventing or resolving conflicts; training specialists as generalists; ensuring the interchangeability of people in case of illness, vacation, etc.; searching for a more suitable position for an employee if the results in the old position are unsatisfactory; increasing the degree of cohesion among the organization’s employees, strengthening communications between them, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the personnel rotation system at the enterprise

A well-developed personnel rotation system gives the company a number of tangible advantages:

1. Reduced staff turnover.

2. Updating the staffing of departments without introducing additional staffing units.

3. Learning "from experience".

4. Simplifying the implementation of changes in the organization.

5. Improving corporate culture and communications in the company.

6. Internal selection allows you to avoid difficulties in finding specialists on the external market.

7. Increasing the interchangeability of colleagues.

8. Expert opinion.

Rotation allows a specialist to try himself in different fields, and the employer - to get the most competent and professionally erudite employee. Benefits that an employee participating in the rotation system receives:

1. Great scope for professional development.

2. Career guidance.

3. Continuity of learning.

4. Increased job satisfaction.

The disadvantages of staff rotation include the following:

· significant time, financial and human resources for organizing and conducting rotation programs;

· a drop in productivity due to people adapting to new positions;

· if moved incorrectly, conflicts may arise;

· the emergence of “clanism” when solving business issues;

· when implementing a transfer program, problems may arise caused by the refusal of people occupying “good” positions to move to “bad” ones;

· there is a possibility of a return on investment in the assessment, training and adaptation of a displaced employee when the latter fails to cope with the assigned tasks and does not live up to expectations.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude from the first chapter that rotation is the movement of an employee from one position to another or a significant change in his functional responsibilities in order to increase the efficiency of his work. Personnel rotation is an integral component of personnel management in an organization, necessary for its successful operation as a whole. In each individual case, the personnel service needs to carefully consider what type of rotation to choose, to what position and for how long to transfer a specialist, and what opportunities will open up for the company and for the employee as a result.

Today there is no need to prove the interdependence of such concepts as “enterprise development” and “personnel development”.

In the structure of an enterprise (organization), personnel, on the one hand, acts as a subject, since it is a component of production relations, and on the other hand, as an object that determines these relations. And the higher the corporate culture of the enterprise, the clearer its structure, the more specifically the goals are outlined and reasoned, the more adequate they are to resource and financial costs, the clearer the ways to optimize production activities, which, in turn, will lead to optimization of personnel policy, and therefore to improve staff performance.

The head of a large institution with many thousands of staff and a network of regional offices often has to resort to personnel moves. One of the types of personnel transfer is rotation, which is becoming an increasingly popular method of personnel policy for managers and HR departments.

Rotation- an important component of the mechanism for managing the team and employee careers. Its essence is horizontal job moves in order to improve the qualifications of an employee, his professional rank or category.

Rotation of employees of a certain level of professional training and education allows you to unlock personnel potential without significant material costs, prevents erroneous decisions related to the promotion of employees, and prevents the development of conflicts in the team. In addition, this technique makes it possible to check the effectiveness of the chosen way to increase production efficiency and team management techniques.

Rotation should not be confused with the ordinary mechanical movement of personnel aimed at preventing illegal activities of personnel, preventing corruption, “improving the personnel situation” in the team, etc. This understanding of rotation, at first glance, promises a simple and quick solution to emerging problems: just remove from the team an employee who does not fit into it, and the labor process will return to its usual course. However, practice shows that excessive reliance on the effectiveness of such decisions can lead not to stabilization of the team, but to staff turnover and a decrease in the authority of management, not to the localization of negative phenomena, but to their integration into other teams. Therefore, rotation is aimed at increasing the professional level of employees, and not at eradicating negative trends in the team.

Rotation must be deeply thought out. It should be considered as an integral part of the personnel development system, in which the movements of workers are individual in nature, planned in advance and contribute to the resolution of production problems.

As an integral part of the staff development mechanism, rotation is effective during the first 8–10 years of an employee’s work. By the age of 34–40, an employee, as a rule, reaches a high degree of professionalism and requires more field for activity. In this case, the company is obliged to provide such an employee with opportunities for career growth, deepening knowledge and improving skills.

Rotation at various stages of an employee’s development in a position has its own characteristics.

Preliminary stage lasts until a person reaches the age of twenty-five and includes schooling, secondary and higher education. During this period, a person can change several jobs in search of the type of activity that would satisfy his needs and correspond to his abilities. If he immediately finds opportunities to apply his knowledge and skills, then the process of his professional self-affirmation and growth begins, according to which he will plan his future.

On formative stage, which lasts approximately five years, the employee masters the profession, acquires the necessary skills, and his qualifications are formed.

At this stage, which usually occurs between the 25th and 30th years of life, families are created, so a married young specialist inevitably has a desire to receive a higher salary, which would be enough to provide for the family, improve the health of its members, arrange their daily life, etc. d.

For promotion stage, which begins after 30 years and ends around 45 years, is characterized by advanced training and career growth of the employee. At this time, practical experience is accumulated, skills are formed, and the need arises to achieve a higher status and greater independence. The personality at this stage strives for maximum self-expression. A person develops a healthy desire to stand out among colleagues, to be noticed by managers, and to acquire new knowledge and skills. During this period, the employee’s efforts are focused on self-realization, increasing his own salary, and taking care of his health. It is very important that the employee is confident that after a certain time he will be promoted up the career ladder, that the administration is actively forming a personnel reserve for the management level, in which renewal is constantly taking place. In turn, managers and personnel departments are obliged to prepare the candidate for a promising job transfer, which should take place at the lowest cost and with the greatest return.

Therefore, a managerial employee or personnel officer is required to know well the features of the organization in which the rotation is supposed to be carried out, and to navigate the production, financial, and personnel issues of this enterprise. Only under such conditions can personnel replacement be carried out in a qualified manner, which will lead to stabilization of the team, timely completion of tasks, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the efficiency of production as a whole. Thoughtful rotation can help an enterprise survive in extreme socio-economic and political conditions.

Practice shows that unsuccessfully transferred workers often do not see prospects in the new team. Rotation carried out in this way loses its meaning. Such phenomena indicate poor management of personnel and a lack of planning for employee career growth. From the moment a person is hired until his dismissal, it is necessary to carry out systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions. An employee must see not only his near and distant prospects, but also the conditions for achieving these milestones. Here, rotation as one of the ways of career growth can play an important role.

Rotations can be especially fruitful if they meet the expectations of the employee and the business. A manager can painlessly replace an unreliable employee, plan his future career, refresh the company’s staff, intelligently distribute employees into microgroups, while remaining extremely open to the team. Acting in this way, the manager studies the potential of his subordinates, lays down criteria for evaluating their work, from which the conditions for career growth follow, and forms personnel reserves. The employee, in turn, gets the opportunity to try his hand at a new team and evaluate his ability to adapt.

There are several types of careers depending on the nature of the rotation.

An employee's career growth can occur within the same organization. This means that an employee, in the course of his work activity, goes through all stages of professional development (training; job search, execution of an employment agreement, various phases of professional and career growth; retirement) at one enterprise. In such a career, rotation is appropriate at the promotion stage employee up the career ladder. The length of an employee’s stay in a new position is determined by the degree to which he has mastered new professional experience and, as a rule, ends with a return to his previous position with enrollment in the promotion reserve (for those employees who are already in this reserve, the waiting period for a higher position is reduced).

In other cases, an employee goes through the above stages of professional development in different organizations or different departments of the same organization. In this case, the tenure of the employee transferred by rotation is determined by the effectiveness of the functioning of the structural unit.

In order to manage the advancement of employees up the career ladder, an in-depth study of the motives that determine their work activity at each stage of their career is required. For this purpose, in many organizations in personnel departments, trade union committees, consulting centers, and among management, units are formed to manage employee careers.

In recent years, the practice has emerged of creating groups to monitor the efficiency of the labor process, analyzing the state of personnel in order to identify the degree of compliance of personnel potential with the tasks facing the team.

Summarizing the discussion about the place and role of rotation in work with personnel, it should be emphasized that any rotation should be carried out in accordance with the general plan of personnel work and be based on the principles of legality, democracy, social justice, professionalism, mutual openness, based on official needs, and take into account the interests of departments and employees. By skillfully using rotation, managers not only strengthen the personnel structure of the enterprise (especially in the provinces, where sources of personnel replenishment are scarce), but also develop the creative potential of the team, ensuring high labor efficiency.

  • Personnel Policy and HR Strategies

The concept of “rotation” of personnel; Goals and objectives of personnel rotation;

Formation of personnel reserve, its types; Methods of working with reserves.

Personnel rotation means the directed and systematic movement of an employee from one position to an equivalent one within a division of the enterprise or a change in his job responsibilities without changing the position or the movement of an employee to another division in the enterprise or to another enterprise, which distinguishes it from a reserve when preparation for appointment is carried out to a higher position.

Personnel rotation (lat. rotatio - circular motion) is a regular turnover of personnel in accordance with the principle of “finding the right employee the right place.” With personnel rotation, the nature of work can change radically. In such cases, an employee with a wide range of qualifications is formed, who will be needed in the future as a production manager. If during rotation an employee changes several jobs related to a range of related specialties, then a specialist with deep and comprehensive knowledge of any one area of ​​production is formed, who is able to effectively participate in labor cooperation with his colleagues.

The transfer of an employee to new jobs can occur throughout his working life, but over time this process weakens. The most intensive period of rotation is the first period of his employment, limited to the moment when the employee ceases to adapt and learn effectively, reaches the maximum level of competence and can finally find a real place to use his abilities.

Personnel rotation is carried out in order to assess the potential of employees and the most rational use of their professional, intellectual and creative capabilities (selection of work according to a person’s abilities).

Goals and objectives of personnel rotation:

Acquisition of new competencies by employees and development of motivation to work as efficiently as possible, as well as maintaining them at a high level;

Reducing the number of personnel by expanding functional responsibilities and increasing the complexity of production tasks within the occupied position;

Acquiring a clear vision of personal professional prospects for the organization’s employees;

Selection of motivated and loyal employees who associate the growth of their professional career with the organization.

Once every 5-7 years - for senior managers;

Once every 3 to 5 children - for all other categories of personnel;

As required by production, but at least once a year - for workers.

The duration of work in another equivalent position (mastering a related operation, function) is determined by the relevant manager and can range from one week to one year. The main criterion is that the employee must have time to learn how to perform new duties efficiently.

For each main job category in the organization, the optimal and maximum rotation standard has been determined. At the end of the optimal period of tenure, an individual assessment of the employee’s achievements is carried out.

The personnel reserve is a part of the personnel that has the ability to perform managerial activities, meets the requirements of a higher position, has been selected and has undergone systematic targeted training to occupy jobs of higher qualifications in the future.

The personnel reserve is formed according to the principles:

The relevance of the reserve (the real need for filling positions should be taken into account; the reserve for positions should be formed on the basis of the calculation that employees enrolled in it have a real opportunity to advance to a higher position);

Compliance of the candidate with the position and type of reserve (when applying this principle, the requirements for the candidate’s qualifications when nominated for a specific position should be taken into account);

The candidate’s prospects (when adding an employee to the reserve, one should take into account his orientation towards professional growth, existing education, age, length of service in the organization and current position, career dynamism in general, health status);

Compliance of the candidate’s personality with the current situation (when selecting candidates for the reserve for specific positions, one should consider not only general, but also professional requirements that the head of a particular department, service, workshop, site must meet, as well as the specific requirements for the candidate’s personality, based on analysis of the situation in the department, type of organizational culture, etc.).

The following types of personnel reserve are distinguished:

F by type of activity:

Development reserve - a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new areas;

The functioning reserve is a group of specialists and managers who must in the future ensure the effective functioning of the existing divisions of the organization;

F by appointment time:

The current pool of candidates who can be promoted to higher positions at the present time;

A promising reserve of candidates whose nomination is planned in the next 1-3 years.

Sources of personnel reserve for management positions are usually:

Young professionals who have successfully completed an internship;

Specialists with appropriate education and a proven track record in production activities;

Managerial employees of other divisions and subsidiaries;

Chief and leading specialists.

When filling higher positions, priority is given to current managers of various ranks, followed by specialists who are deputy managers.

When forming lists of candidates for the reserve, the following factors are taken into account:

Requirements for the position, description and assessment of the workplace, assessment of labor productivity;

Professional characteristics of a specialist necessary for successful work in the relevant position;

A list of positions by occupying which an employee can become a candidate for a reserved position;

Limits on the criteria (education, age, work experience, etc.) for selecting candidates for relevant positions;

Results of assessing the formal requirements and individual characteristics of candidates for the reserved position;

Opinion of managers and specialists of related departments, labor council;

Results of assessing the candidate's potential (possible level of leadership, ability to learn, ability to quickly master theory and practical skills);

Work motivation, professionalism and competence, personal qualities and potential capabilities.

Methods for working with reserves can be divided into two main categories:

Methods for forming a reserve list;

Methods for forming a reserve for specific positions.

Methods for generating a reserve list:

Analysis of documentary data - reports, autobiographies, characteristics, results of employee certification and other documents;

Interview (conversation) according to a specially drawn up plan or questionnaire or without a specific plan to identify information of interest (aspirations, needs, motives of behavior, etc.);

Observations of employee behavior in various situations (at work, at home, etc.);

Assessing the results of work activity - labor productivity, quality of work performed, etc., indicators of task completion by the department being managed for the period that is most typical for assessing the manager’s performance;

The method of a given grouping of workers is when people are selected to meet the given requirements for a position or to fit a given structure of the work group. In this method, the qualities of applicants are compared with the requirements of a position of a particular rank. The use of the method involves the formation of three types of information arrays of professionograms for the entire range of management positions, factual data and criteria for the qualities of specialists.

Methods for generating reserve lists for specific positions:

Evaluation of candidates;

Comparison of the totality of the candidate’s qualities and those requirements that are necessary for the reserved position;

Comparing candidates for the same position with each other and choosing the one who is more suitable than others to work in the reserved position.

Stages of working with reserve:

Analysis of reserve requirements;

Formation of the reserve as such;

Evaluation and comparison of candidates;

Adjustment of the preliminary list based on the results of the previous stage;

Reserve preparation;

Maintaining reserves.

Reserve requirement analysis includes:

Forecast of changes in the structure of the apparatus;

Improving employee promotion;

Determining the degree of provision with a reserve of nomenclature positions;

Determining the degree of saturation of the reserve for each position or group of identical positions (how many candidates from the reserve are for each position or their group);

Determining the personal responsibility of managers for the rational placement of a certain category of personnel.

Formation and compilation of a reserve list includes:

Formation of a list of candidates for the reserve based on information about who can and should be included in the lists,

Candidates for the reserve, which of those included in the lists of candidates for the reserve must be taught, what form of training to apply to each candidate, taking into account his individual characteristics and prospects for use in a leadership position;

Evaluation of candidates for the reserve;

Comparison of the qualities of candidates with the requirements of positions depending on the areas of work for which candidates are offered to the reserve.

Evaluation and comparison of candidates is carried out on the basis of:

Personal data;


Method of expert assessments.

Preparation of the reserve is carried out in the following forms:

Individual training under the guidance of a senior manager;

Internship in a position at your own or another enterprise;

Studying at courses and institutes for advanced training, depending on the planned position.

All reserve training methods are used within the framework of training programs developed and approved by the administration. These programs can be general, special, or individual.

Maintaining a reserve includes:

relocation – transfer of an employee within an organization from one position to another at the same level. There is usually no increase in salary associated with a move;

promotion - moving an employee to a better paid and higher position in the same organization.

The general reserve training program includes:

Theoretical training;

Updating and replenishing knowledge on certain issues of science and practice of production management;

Filling gaps in the education of candidates enrolled in the reserve associated with their previous (basic) training;

Training in special disciplines necessary to improve the efficiency of production management. The form of control is passing an exam (tests).

The special program provides for the division of the entire reserve into specialties. Their preparation combines theoretical and practical parts and is carried out in the following areas:

Training in educational and technical centers, differentiated by groups of specialties;

Business games on general technical and special problems;

Solving specific production problems by specialty.

The individual program includes specific tasks to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities for each specialist enrolled in the reserve, in the following areas:

Training at inter-industry institutes for advanced training;

Industrial practice at leading domestic and foreign enterprises;

Internship in a reserve position.

Individual plans of candidates are developed by the immediate heads of departments and approved by the heads of the enterprise. Systematic control over the implementation of individual plans is carried out by department heads and personnel management employees responsible for the preparation of the reserve.

Continuous analysis of the company’s activities is the key to a successful business. In the process of studying data, organizational leaders not only develop plans for improving the products supplied to the market, but also methods for increasing work motivation. One of them is personnel rotation. This procedure helps to maintain a high level of employee interest in the work being performed.

What is personnel rotation?

The full functioning of the company is impossible without regular updating of the workforce. The procedure can be carried out by hiring new personnel or retraining old ones. Employee rotation is one of the ways of vertical career growth, implying their movement to other positions within one legal entity. Experts in the field of personnel management believe that this procedure is one of the main mechanisms for recruiting personnel.

Personnel rotation goals

The main goal of the procedure is to train personnel in related professions, making them universal specialists. This will increase production efficiency by increasing the professionalism of workers. With the help of rotation, the personal qualities of employees and their ability to adapt to a new environment are tested. Personnel relocation helps achieve the following goals:

  • relieve mental stress of workers and prevent conflicts;
  • create a personnel reserve;
  • introduce workers to the maximum number of tasks performed at the enterprise;
  • prevent epidemics of diseases among personnel if the work is related to a hazardous industry;
  • simplify the implementation of changes in the organization.

The importance of personnel movement for a company

One of the main tasks solved by reshuffling personnel is the exchange of experience between different departments of the enterprise. Employees move from one branch to another in order to gain new professional knowledge or train newcomers. There is often a situation where organizational units act inconsistently. This hinders business development. Personnel rotation normalizes relations between employees of different departments. With this event you can solve the following problems:

  • Formation of corporate culture. Regular turnover of managers and ordinary employees helps employees realize that the organization is constantly changing and they must change with it. The movement of personnel helps prevent the emergence of clannishness, which runs counter to the corporate culture, in the enterprise.
  • Renewal of personnel without increasing staff. When changing their specialty, employees show initiative and propose new ideas.
  • Increased interchangeability of personnel. If a specialist becomes ill or the volume of work within the site increases, employees from the reserve can be sent to help.
  • The emergence of healthy competition among workers.
  • Reducing the cost of training the team. Employees improve their skills not through oral training, but at the workplace, exchanging information with colleagues.
  • Reducing staff turnover. Employees see prospects for career growth, so loyalty to the company increases.

Pros of personnel changes

Personnel rotation allows employees to master related professions within one enterprise. The worker will be able to take on more job responsibilities. During the move, staff development occurs. Team members gain practical experience and knowledge that will help them build a successful career. During rotation, company employees will be able to:

  • Try your hand at different areas. Employees have the opportunity to compare working conditions in another department with the one they came from and choose the most suitable specialty for themselves.
  • Get a position that allows for vertical growth.
  • Increase the level of satisfaction with the results of your own work.


The transfer of employees to different positions is carried out in accordance with the plan developed by the manager and the personnel department. The frequency of the procedure is influenced by the pace of development of the organization. The manager takes into account the qualifications of personnel, the personal qualities of a particular employee and the requests of the heads of different departments. Rotation is classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Along the trajectory of movement:
    1. ring;
    2. irrevocable;
    3. castling;
    4. temporary.
  2. By frequency of personnel movement:
    1. annual;
    2. monthly;
    3. quarterly;
    4. daily.
  3. By level of specialization:
    1. adjacent;
    2. completely new job;
    3. the specialty is the same, but the nature of the work is different.
  4. By volume of movement:
    1. reshuffling of lower-level employees;
    2. replacement of specialists;
    3. relocation of top management;
    4. rotation of managers.
  5. According to the process simulator:
    1. at the initiative of managers;
    2. at the request of the HR department;
    3. at the request of the employee.
  6. By degree of mobility:
    1. intra-organizational;
    2. between different branches of the organization.

Along the trajectory

Ring rotation of personnel implies that an employee changes several specialties over a certain period of time, and then returns to his previous position. When castling, employees of the same specialization are swapped temporarily or permanently. In case of a permanent transfer, the worker no longer returns to the “starting” position. During temporary rotation, an employee is transferred to another department to work on a project, and after all tasks are completed, they are returned back.

By frequency of personnel movement

With annual rotation, employees are replaced in positions once every 12 months. Quarterly transfer of employees is carried out once every 4 months. It is rare for workers to be transferred from position to position on a daily basis. This technique is used in large hardware or grocery stores to help beginners gain experience. The monthly movement of employees from one position to another is carried out at the middle and junior level. Heads of departments or branches are replaced every 5-6 years.

By level of specialization

The HR department often transfers employees of related professions to other positions that involve performing a similar range of responsibilities. If there is a shortage of specialists in a certain field, some of the staff may be transferred to a completely new job. With this type of personnel rotation, employees are trained at courses within the enterprise or outside it. An employee may be left in the same position, but transferred to another department or assigned to a project, i.e. change the nature of work.

By objects of movement

Lower-level employees are more often subject to rotation, because their work does not require specific skills. Once every 5-6 years, top management, deputy heads and heads of departments are moved. Rotation of specialists is a more complex process. The HR department should study the scope of work of the selected employee. People with highly specialized professions (programmers, accountants, design engineers, etc.) cannot be moved.

By process initiator

An employee may submit a request to be transferred to another open vacancy, provided that his qualifications coincide with the requirements put forward by management. The head of a department or enterprise can resort to personnel rotation when he notices a slowdown in production or a deterioration in the quality of products. The personnel department, which is part of the enterprise or interacts with it under an outsourcing agreement, can initiate the relocation of employees.

Conditions for successful employee rotation

Many factors influence the success of the procedure. Leaders must make turnover a value to the organization. All the advantages of this procedure are reflected in the corporate culture of the enterprise, otherwise employees will resist its implementation. The manager must clearly define the goals of the personnel reshuffle. Personnel rotation will be successful if the following conditions are met:

  • availability of written consent of the employee for temporary or permanent transfer to another department;
  • an official employee relocation program developed by the HR department and personnel service, issued in the form of a separate document;
  • presence of a large staff of employees (at least 500 people).

How to properly reshuffle personnel

The internal movement of personnel begins after the issuance of a corresponding decree by management. First, the personnel department will draw up a personnel rotation plan. Employees who must be transferred to other departments or to other positions are familiarized with the reassignment order. Specialists must write a written consent for the document to come into force.


It will not be possible to implement the system right away, because... the enterprise will not have the documents necessary to reshuffle personnel. It all starts with the introduction of special rotation positions into the staffing table of the company's divisions. All team members must be informed about this. Each department appoints a person responsible for selecting candidates. Further preparation is carried out according to the following rules:

  • Based on applications and recommendations from authorized persons, the personnel service draws up documents on the transfer of workers to other positions.
  • The specialist retains his average salary and the position occupied before the move.
  • A schedule for moving an employee from one position to another is developed and then approved by the head of the organization.
  • The specialist is notified of the upcoming transfer a week in advance.

Legal support

The mechanism for moving employees within one legal entity is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC). According to Article 72, changing the functions or terms of an employment contract is permissible upon receipt of the written consent of the employee. Some HR department employees believe that the worker’s signature confirming familiarization with the transfer order can be used instead. This approach is wrong. Personnel rotation is implemented as follows:

  1. The employee is informed 2 months in advance about the transfer to another position or to another work level.
  2. The specialist signs consent for the translation.
  3. In accordance with Article No. 57 of the Labor Code, changes are made to the employee’s employment contract.
  4. The HR department issues an order using the standard unified form No. T-5.
  5. The HR department or the head of the department makes changes to the employee’s accounting documents (time sheet, personal account, work book, etc.).

Personel assessment

The essence of this procedure is to identify the strengths of the selected specialist and determine the level of his potential capabilities. Methods for assessing personnel during personnel rotation are different. Some companies pay more attention to the results of an employee’s work, while others concentrate on his business qualities. Managers, colleagues and the person being assessed can take part in the procedure. Personnel assessment can be carried out in the following ways:

  • questioning;
  • descriptive evaluation from supervisors and peers;
  • comparison in pairs with other specialists;
  • analysis of behavioral attitudes during a practical test.

Stages of the procedure

After approval of all documents and coordination of actions with members of the workforce, you can begin to redistribute specialists. Before the procedure, personnel management specialists recommend that enterprise managers re-check the documents with the consent of workers to be transferred to another position or department. This will help avoid claims from the team. The personnel rotation plan is as follows:

  1. The employee holding the vacant position draws up a list of recommendations and requirements that will be presented to the newcomer.
  2. An employee who will take a new position studies schedules, plans and tasks assigned to him.
  3. The worker is sent for an interview with the head of the department where he will work.
  4. The employee who held the position provides theoretical and practical training to the newcomer within the time limits established by the documents.
  5. The specialist learns new responsibilities, undergoes training and becomes familiar with recommendations.
  6. The employee is sent for an interview with the head of the department, the specialist holding the position, and the head of the personnel department.
  7. Based on the results of the last interview, managers make a conclusion about whether the selected individual is suitable for filling the vacant position.


The time frame for the procedure is determined by the position held by a particular person. During the promotion stage, which begins at age 30, workers begin active career growth. Transfers between specialties occur every 4-5 months. Civil service positions are filled every 3-5 years in accordance with Federal Law No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service”.

Heads of departments, their deputies and directors of enterprises are subject to personnel rotation every 5 years. In management theory, the position has been established that the optimal period for a specialist to occupy one specific position is 3 years. But it is difficult to establish a general uniform period for all specialties, because Factors affecting employee performance will vary.

Disadvantages of employee transfers

One of the disadvantages of the procedure is a drop in productivity due to the employee’s long adaptation to new working conditions. Some employees do not want to leave their positions and move to less prestigious ones, so conflicts with management may arise. For staff rotation and employee training, organizational leaders must allocate a large sum of money. The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • Disappearance of highly specialized workers. Expertise in a particular field is important for the production of certain goods and services. With constant personnel movement, it will be difficult to achieve it.
  • Clanism in resolving important issues. Enterprises often create an expert group of employees of the same level. As a result, the interests of junior and mid-level employees are not taken into account, which leads to a decline in labor interest.
  • Negative attitude towards the procedure. Many workers perceive regular transfers from one position to another as a waste of time.
  • The result of the procedure is unknown before it is performed.


Personnel rotation(from Latin rotatio - circular motion) - a method of formal nomenclature passage of key positions by specialists at various levels to accelerate their career and professional growth.

Personnel rotation implies a planned career move or a significant change in an employee’s job responsibilities. In general, intensive use of rotation is considered a positive factor and has a beneficial effect on the final result. It is necessary to move people “horizontally” due to the fact that a long stay in one position reduces work motivation, the employee limits his horizons to the framework of one area, gets used to shortcomings, and ceases to enrich his activities with new methods and forms. Changing places makes it possible to compare situations and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Rotations are often used to train university graduates who are just starting their professional careers. In Western corporations, the rotational stage of a manager's business career can last several years, during which he moves from one department to another or from one office to another, which is sometimes located on the other side of the globe.

Personnel rotation is classified according to the frequency (speed) of movements : annual, monthly, daily.

Depending on the trajectory of movement, rotation is divided into: 1) circular, when an employee, having completed a number of positions over a certain period of time, returns to his position; 2) irrevocable, when the movement occurs without returning to one’s “starting” position; 3) castling, in which two workers of the same level change places. The last type of rotation is actively used by Japanese companies. Thus, in the Sony and Honda corporations, it is considered normal for the head of the sales department to change positions with a supply colleague.

According to the level of specialization, the following personnel rotation is distinguished: in another specialty; in a related specialty; with a change in the nature of the work, but in the same specialty; rotation, when the nature of the work does not change much.

According to the purposes, personnel rotations are divided into movements for: training of management personnel; changes in people’s circumstances (when a person has held a position for a long time and wants to gain new knowledge and skills in a different place); preventing or resolving conflicts; training specialists as generalists; ensuring the interchangeability of people in case of illness, vacation, etc.; searching for a more suitable position for an employee if the results in the old position are unsatisfactory; increasing the degree of cohesion among the organization’s employees, strengthening communications between them, etc.

Sometimes there is also a classification of personnel rotation according to the vertical direction of movement, according to which its varieties are job growth and demotion.

Some authors divide personnel rotation into inter-organizational (transition to another organization) and intra-organizational. During interorganizational rotation, a return to the previous organization or management body often occurs, but to a higher position. Sometimes rotation refers to any movement of a person throughout his working life.

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